Imports of Metal-working Machines Up 165.93% Year-on-Year in May 2010
According to China Customs latest statistics, from January till May 2010, China imported accumulative amount of 40,747 sets of metal-working machines, up 54.5% year-on-year and accumulated an import value of USD 3.128 billion, up 25.8% year-on-year. In May 2010, China imported 8,874 sets of metal-working machines, down 18.83% month-on-month, up sharply 165.93% year-on-year. The import value was approximately USD 650 million, down 12.22% month-on-month and up 48.84% year-on-year. The average import price was USD 73,293 per set, up 8.14% month-on-month, but dramatically down 44.03% year-on-year. Analysis based on the above statistics pointed a slight decline in China's month-on-month import of metal-working machines; whereas the year-on-year kept a substantial increase, showing the warming of overall market demand and strong demand from downstream industries.