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China to create more makerspaces to serve real eco
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【Topic】: China to create more makerspaces to serve real eco
【Time】: 2016.2
【TEL】: 010-84675230
【FAX】: 010-84673367
【URL】: http://www.zkreport.com

China will set up more innovation and entrepreneurship incubators, or "makerspaces," to support economic restructuring and industrial upgrading, the State Council announced Thursday.

Enterprises, research institutions and colleges should work together to develop makerspaces in key emerging sectors such as manufacturing, electronics and service, according to a statement from the State Council.

The program should be carried out in collaboration with the "Internet Plus," "Made in China 2015" and other programs aimed at boosting the real economy to combine manufacturing and the service sectors.

The government will offer preferential tax, financial and investment policies to encourage more people, especially science and technology researchers, to innovate and set up businesses, according to the statement.

China decided last January to encourage makerspaces in order to set up platforms for public innovation and mass entrepreneurship, which are emerging engines to power the country's economy.

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